Friday, April 12, 2013

Fabulous Fridays

Today's an extremely fabulous Friday because I'm going to visit my gorgeous hairdresser Frankie I have been just getting my regrowth done for the last six months and whilst I am happy I think I want to try getting highlights done again like I had for our wedding.

And then I saw

from the April edition of the AWW magazine and thought how fabulously perfect!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Meditative Monday

Yesterday the Hawk asked me why I wanted to write a blog... I've always wanted to but it was only when I was told my writing was awkward by my English tutor that I really wanted to challenge myself and improve my writing skills. Descriptive writing is the wool blogs are spun from and there was my snarl; I say what I want in the shortest most economic and apparently "awkward" style. Writing blogs and journals are ways that can help to improve my writing style. 

Sundays are my organising day; I clean out the fridge, get my Coles delivery (holding onto Franklin's collar in a strangle hold), pay bills and do whatever else needs to be done. I love interiors and one of my favourite interior's shop and designer, Black & Spiro is featured in Adore Home Magazine's  blog, a gorgeous online magazine that will go beautifully with a cup of tea and an hour of spare time! Ann Spiro has been writing about her colourful and creative life on absolutely beautiful things since 2006, her inspiring work can be seen around Brisbane. I hope you enjoy the links, my fridge and writing, feel free to comment and share.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Savouring Saturdays

Hello, this my brand new blog, I love reading so many other people's words and inspiring life stories that I am going to try posting things that float my boat! I adore fabulous food, fashion and feeling free I hope you do too!

 I finally received my new vegetarian book this week and am so excited to begin trying some of the amazing recipes inside. It is such a beautiful book that is divided cleverly into sections that makes planning meals, accompanying dishes and sweet treats super easy to navigate. I have only recently discovered their blog and downloaded their apps I have tried a number of their recipes but this is just perfect now that the weather has that Autumn twang.